Thursday, October 6, 2011

once upon a lonely evening

Once upon a lonely evening, as I sat on my living room floor, I made the mistake of leaving a camera on the floor near me. So I utelized the horribly poor lighting, and recorded the boring things I was trying to accomplish...Like (supposedly) working on my paper about "Medea": ...using my demented conglomoration of notes:
Do you think they're trying to make a point?
Also texting on my sad, broken phone:
All the while editing photos:
...and doing a blog post!
And then I became strangely fascinated by the lamp on the floor beside me, and decided to explore it thoroughly!
...Yeah, I'm easily entertained! :)


Grace For a Girl said...

I like that last picture! That's so cool!

I have moments like that..."doing school" while checking the email...heh. Heh. Oops.

Inna said...

Love it! :)