Woah, slow down 2012! You're going so fast!
It's already February, but I'm still seeing a lot of 2011.
This is a post of my favorite pictures from 2011, one from each month:
January- I found this shelf of porcelain dogs at an antique
that I got to hang out it with my good friend!
February- Ok, so I actually didn't take this picture, it was
taken by Inna over at
Paper Raindrops. We had a grand time
that day, and got several good pictures! :)

March- Out on the farm on a Saturday afternoon. This is my
cat Confused, and not only does he fit his name,
but he is a gorgeous photogenic cat.

April- Easter Sunday, out at my grandparents farm, in my
cousin's backyard. I almost have to pick this picture,
because it got me into the MState Student Art Exhibition,
for which I was most enthused!

May- Inna came out to our farm for a wonderful afternoon
of taking pictures, both at my place, and the gravel
pit next door. I absolutely love the vibrant colors,
and she's just so cute, I couldn't resist. ;)

June- I would take off a lot on the weekends at camp
and just wander down the dirt roads and through the woods
taking pictures. I'm sure the other staffers thought I was
a bit strange, but hey, we all are out there! :)
There were several pictures that were hard to choose between,
but this one was the most interesting, in my opinion.

July- Props to my excellent cousin for taking this wonderful
picture! Not only is it a great picture, but there are so
many memories of these fun girls attached!

August- The first week of August was spent at Smokey
Hills Resort with the camp family. The scenery was
So beautiful, once again it was hard to pick a favorite photo.

September- Out to supper for my auntie's birthday, I couldn't
resist trying to get a picture of this great big chandelier! Love it!

October- Out on one of my many photo hunts
in Moorhead; I love the way the Memorial Bridge
shows up in the background.

November- I got this picture (it's called a tripod
and self-timer, folks ;)) of my wonderful family!

December- I got to go on a photo shoot with my dear friend
Cami in downtown Fargo. Isn't she adorable!

It was a good year, and I'm looking forward to the rest of 2012!
Hooray for awesome pics!! Love all of these. :D
Never seen the self timer one before ... it's great!
Really fun idea Liz!!! I love all the pictures:) Hey check out my blog... Big news!! Oh and we really need to have another photo shoot!
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